Milli and friends in front of purple neon sign on faux box hedge

Motivational Moments with Milli: A Showcasing of  Fifth Grade Perspective and Leadership

Hi, Dolphins! I know I haven’t been active since we came back from break, but I have a life too! 

Anywho, even though I’m 3,745,946 years late, we’re going to talk about New Year’s resolutions! A New Year’s resolution is basically a commitment you want for the year.

For example, Ms. Hale’s resolution is to be happy. Miss Tucker wants to travel more. Mrs. Beke wants to be intentional. Mrs. Chavez doesn’t have one, but she does want to read more.

My New Year’s resolution is to have good grades! What’s yours? 

Actually, talking about the New Year has me thinking about what I did over winter break! Over break, I got to go to Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri! I also got to spend the holiday with one of my best friends! 

Now speaking of friends, our Friendship Parties are coming up! What does friendship mean to you? To me, friendship means a strong bond between two amazing humans! Friendship is a bond that can last a lifetime! 

In the picture above - that's what friends are. You know what, I have a challenge for y’all. Since this week is Kindness Week, I want you all to spread at least three acts of kindness this week! It can be any type of kindness. You can: give a compliment, help someone with work, or anything! Kindness goes a long way! And your kindness will come back to you!

Have an amazing day, Dolphins! Bye🫶🏽
