Photo of Milli in front of faux box hedge and blue neon dolphins sign

Motivational Moments with Milli: A Showcasing of  Fifth Grade Perspective and Leadership

Hey, y’all! It's me, Milli!

So this segment is about school memories/tips. I bet you don’t think about making memories at school, huh? But school memories can be small things like laughing at a joke with your friends, getting a 100 on a math test, or just being here. 

To be honest, memories go by fast, so you gotta hold on to them. They can be random - one second something is there, and the next second, it's lost in memories. That's why we have memories.

Do you remember your first word? It's somewhere in your memories. 

Do you remember what you did when you got into pre-K or daycare? Yeah, those are in your memories. 

Memories are just a human camera roll in your mind. You always keep them. You never lose them (unless you’re like Chase Ambrose, and you fell out of your bedroom window, and now you have amnesia). 

Anyways, I hope this inspired you to make and keep memories, even if they are small. By the way, the Chase Ambrose reference  from the book Restart.

Bye! I love you all!❤️
