Fees and Fines
Paying Fines for Lost or Damaged Books
You can now pay for lost library books, fines and fees online!
Students are responsible for the replacement cost of books that are lost or damaged. Since we purchase our books through specialized vendors, you may not buy your own book to replace the lost/damaged one.
Please note, your child’s book is not marked “lost” until it is more than two weeks overdue. If you want to pay for an overdue book that you know is lost please call the medial center at 726-4414, and we will mark the book as lost so the fee will show up in InTouch.
If you have received an email/notice asking you to pay for a book, you can click the link below to go to the InTouch payment portal. You will need your child’s district ID number which can be found on your notice next to the work “Barcode.” Your password is your student’s last name with the first letter capitalized.